Welcome to the 2025 IISE Western Regional Conference ticketing page!

For more information, visit the conference website here: https://conference.usciise.org/

Do you need help? Contact us here: https://conference.usciise.org/contact/

Individuals with disabilities who need accommodations to attend this event may contact Alex Wang, awang756@usc.edu. It is requested that individuals requiring accommodations or auxiliary aids such as sign language interpreters and alternative format materials notify us at least 7 days prior to the event. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in an effective and timely manner.

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA

When does the event happen?
Add to Calendar

Uncategorized items

Student/Faculty Ticket

Standard Registration


Not available any more.

Professional Ticket


Not available any more.